5 Of The Best Ways To Get Back To Fitness

If you are wanting to get fitter so you can feel more confident, can keep up with your children, and look great on your next vacation, I understand that it can be difficult to get back into the routine.

You might have been exercising regularly before, and feeling great, but life got in the way.

An injury stopped your working out.

Pregnancy and having your child meant you trained less and less, and when your baby arrived, you couldn't find the time.

Or maybe you just lost your motivation over the colder winter months.

Whatever the reason, I'm excited for you because I know fitness is a big part of your life and happiness.

But what's the best way to get back to exercise, lifting weights, or maybe even playing sports?

The 5 Best Ways To Get Back To Fitness

In this blog, I will share 5 proven ways to make getting back to working out much easier, and more enjoyable and give you the best chance of achieving your fitness goals!

Set Realistic Goals

Before exercising, set achievable goals to help motivate and encourage you as you progress.

With busy lives, a family to care for, and many things on your to-do list, it's important to focus on what is manageable for your current lifestyle.

This will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed, losing motivation, and giving up on your goal.

Be More Active In Your Daily Routine

Finding ways to add physical activity into your day is a way to ramp up your exercise even if you are struggling for time to plan full workouts.

While you might want to get in a full hour at the gym, you might not be able to do that as often as you'd like.

Rather than give up altogether, get workouts in as best you can, and try to be more active in your daily routine.

This could include taking the stairs instead of the elevator, taking the dogs on longer walks, or joining in more when your kids are playing games.

Listen To Your Body

If you experience pain, discomfort, or something that just doesn't feel right while exercising, get help from an expert.

With little niggling injuries that we pick up when working out, we can try to put on a brave face and work through the pain.

But little injuries that aren't treated, and don't heal properly can build into much bigger issues.

Not only does ignoring an injury mean you are working out with pain, you're not able to push yourself as hard as you would like and can't enjoy it.

If you're trying to get into fitness and struggling with pain that cuts your sessions short, means you have to avoid certain exercises, and you're frustrated because you can't get faster, stronger, or get in the shape you want, I can help you.

To find out what's the cause of your workout pain, and how to end it quickly and naturally...

You can arrange a Free Back To Fitness Assessment with me - someone who's helped thousands of people overcome injuries, get back to pain-free exercise and become the fittest they've ever felt.

Also, if you're suffering from Back Pain, Knee Pain, or Shoulder And Neck Pain, you can download a free special report I have written for you which contains simple, but proven ways to quickly relieve pain without pills or injections.

Make It Fun

You used to love exercise, so try to plan your workouts around things you love to do.

If you love lifting weights, plan that in.

If you loved spinning classes, get booked onto those.

If you love running in the morning to start your day the right way, then try and incorporate that.

Instead of seeing exercise as a chore, think about ways you can make it enjoyable and you are much more likely to stick to it and get the results you want.

Gradually Build Back Up With Exercise

Right now, you might be really motivated to achieve your fitness goals - and I love that.

But a common mistake people make is to go all in from day 1, which leads to a high risk of injury.

And if you get injured, you can't train properly (or at all).

Instead, try to gradually build back up with exercise.

For example, if you want to get back to lifting weights in the gym, don't start with the same number of sets, the same length of workout, or weights as you did before your exercise break.

Give yourself a few weeks to ramp back up and this will mean you can avoid injuries.

It also means you aren't going to be too sore from exercise, which makes it difficult to look after your children, take care of your home, or even get up off the sofa!

You Can Do It

There you go - That's 5 ways to make it easier for you on your return to exercise, working out, and getting into great shape.

If you apply these, it should give you the best chance of hitting your goals.

Free Download - 7 Ways To Get Rid Of Daily, Annoying Knee Pain Fast

If your knee pain is ruining your workouts, or meaning you can't exercise at all - don't put up with it!

Discover 7 ways to get rid of daily, annoying knee pain without modifying your workouts, having injections, or wearing a knee brace.

Simply download a copy of my Free Knee Pain Report, and you will get these expert tips straight to your email inbox!

More Help If You're Struggling With Annoying Aches And Pains

Read our blog - Must Read Advice For Moms With Lower Back Pain After Exercising

Read our blog -  Finally End Your Shoulder Pain When Lifting Your Arm

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