How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain For Busy Moms Who Want A Good Night's Sleep

Struggling to get a good night's sleep is one of the biggest complaints for lower back pain sufferers.

And it's even tougher for busy moms!

With young children who wake up throughout the night, being able to get to sleep fast, and stay asleep is so important.

However, lower back pain stops this - making it difficult to drift off to sleep, and then leading to pain waking you up and disturbing your sleep.

It's exhausting!

And after a terrible night's sleep, you try so hard to be the best mom you can be for your kids while juggling everything else - the house, keeping in shape, family, and what remains of your social life.

But there are natural ways to sleep with lower back pain.

All without painkillers, endless stretching routines, and visits to your doctor that never actually help you.

How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain

Relax After A Busy Day

I appreciate that this might be easier said than done, but if you have had a really hectic day, try to take some time for yourself to relax and unwind.

If you've worked out, you've taken the kids to their sports games, you've cooked dinner for your family, and you feel like you have a million things on your to-do list, jumping straight into bed at the first opportunity might seem like a good idea, but your muscles are likely to be tense and tight.

Instead, even taking just 10 minutes before getting in bed to relax - whether that's reading, meditating, listening to some music, or watching a bit of your favorite show - can make a big difference.

Your body can reflect your mental state, so if you are tense, your body can tense up too.

Think about how your shoulders rise and hunch over when you are anxious or stressed, or how your heart rate shoots up when you think of something that scares you.

The Best Sleeping Position For Lower Back Pain

Everyone is different, but in most cases, the best sleeping position for low back pain is on your back.

This gives you the best chance of keeping your spine in alignment and reduces the chance of your waking up with a stiff, tight, painful lower back.

To improve this position, and help your back even more, place a small pillow under your knees. This can take some pressure off your lower back, and help it keep it's natural curve.

Another good sleeping position is on your side with a pillow between your knees.

The pillow is important because it ensures that your knees, hips, and shoulder stay in alignment which minimizes low back pain.

The Worst Sleeping Position For Lower Back Pain

For back pain sufferers, sleeping on your front is probably the worst sleeping position.

Front sleepers are going to place their spine in a very unnatural position, as well as sleeping in a poor position for their neck and shoulders too.

If you absolutely have to sleep on your front, placing a pillow under your stomach can make it safer and more comfortable on your spine and lower back.

Use Ice Or Heat To Relieve Lower Back Pain Without Pills

We appreciate lots of people want to avoid pills, and taking them daily to ease lower back pain is not the advice they want to hear - but it's often the case when people visit their doctor!

As a natural alternative, you can try using ice or heat packs.

Ice is best for dealing with an injury, like a strained back after a heavy lifting session, whereas heat is best for relieving tension and stiffness.

If you are dealing with regular pain in your lower back, heat is most likely going to be your best option.

Woman With A Hot Water Bottle

Address The Root Cause Of Pain In Your Lower Back

Finally, the most important thing is to address the underlying cause of your lower back pain.

While we can talk about sleeping positions, pre-bedtime tips, and lifestyle changes, these may treat the symptom rather than the actual cause of your lower back pain.

And I can't give you that personalized advice in a blog, no matter how much I want to!

Because to help you get the fastest relief for your lower back pain, I need to speak to you and hear your story.

From there, you can very quickly and confidently learn why you are suffering from lower back pain and find out about the best, natural treatment options available to you so you can finally put an end to it.

To help you, I offer a limited number of Free Back Pain Assessments at my clinic in Park Cities, Dallas which you can arrange by calling me on (214) 538-2559 or completing this quick online form.

Free Download - 8 Quick & Easy Tips To Stop Back Pain

If you want more expert advice on easing your lower back pain, and feel frustrated that you're still suffering after months - even though your doctor told you it should go away after a few weeks - download a free copy of my Free Back Pain Report

Simply enter your contact details, and you will get instant access by clicking the link below:

Download My Free Back Pain Report

More Help For People Suffering With Aches And Pains

Read our blog - Must Read Advice For Moms With Lower Back Pain After Exercising

Read our blog - 4 Ways To Relieve Neck And Shoulder Pain Without Painkillers 

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