A Massive Myth About Postpartum Aches, Pain, And Injuries

After childbirth, it's common for moms to experience aches, pains, and even injuries from labor. Labor takes a big toll on our bodies, and even if your labor is relatively straightforward and everything goes to plan, you've still been through a lot.

However, a MASSIVE myth is that suffering from hip pain, back pain, and other injuries are part of being a mom and still struggling after 6 months and beyond is normal.

It's not!

If you're a mom, you should not accept pain, stiffness, or tightness in your body that wrecks your day, stops you from being active, and leaves you reliant on painkillers.

And I've worked with hundreds of women to get natural relief from hip pain, back pain, and many other injuries that make it difficult to enjoy their life as a mom - even some moms who've been in pain for years and feel like they've tried everything.

When you're in pain, or struggling to move freely, it's hard to concentrate and be present with your children.

It's hard to pick them up, get down on the floor and play with their toys and means you are suffering when you do.

But treating these aches, pains, and injuries is possible, and you don't need to resort to masking the problem with pills, having risky injections, or not being able to get involved with your child as much as you'd like.

Hip Pain After Pregnancy

Women are generally more susceptible to hip pain because of the way that our bodies are structured and due to hormones released during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, hormone changes cause relaxin to be released to allow the bones and ligaments in the hips to stretch. After delivery, these hormones can cause considerable joint pain and instability in women that aren't properly managed.

If you've seen the doctor, you may have been diagnosed with one of these common causes of hip pain after pregnancy can include bursitis, tendonitis, dislocation, or labral tears - thankfully, all of these can be treated naturally!

Bonus (Make sure you're not doing this)

Another common mistake moms with hip pain make is to stretch, stretch and stretch some more!

While some people need to stretch, a lot more people need to actually strengthen their hips, or other areas of the body which impact the function of your hips.

If you've been stretching for a long time, this may be why it's not getting better, or only providing relief for 30 minutes at a time.

However, I appreciate that it can be difficult to know what you should do - should you stretch, strengthen... or both?

That's where I come in as an expert physical therapist who can quickly identify the root cause of your hip pain, and give you exactly what you need to get fast relief from common postpartum aches, pains, and injuries like hip pain.

And you can do this all for free, in a Free Pain Assessment.

Click the link, and Arrange Your Free Pain Assessment now.

Lower Back Pain After Pregnancy

Lower back pain during pregnancy can be caused by a number of factors, including the hormonal changes we discussed above, as well as extra stress on the spine from carrying additional weight, and changes in posture. As your baby grew, your center of gravity likely shifted to accommodate your growing belly and this can lead to strain on your lower back muscles.

After childbirth, the ligaments that were loosened during pregnancy may remain weakened for some time, leaving the spine vulnerable to instability. There is also the risk of damage to the lower back muscles during pregnancy, or from childbirth, which hasn't fully recovered.

If you're suffering from back pain, you can get FREE access to an expert report designed to simplify back pain, and give you quick and easy ways to stop it!

Click Here To Download Your Free Back Pain Report Now

Upper Back Pain And Shoulder Pain After Pregnancy

When breastfeeding, carrying your baby, or trying to rock them to sleep, extra stress can be placed on your upper back as you maintain a less-than-ideal posture - think about how hunched over you are.

And while these are essential activities that you may feel you have to do as a mother, you can address other areas of your life, and get treatment on your shoulder, and upper back muscles to make them stronger, more supported, and more resilient to injuries and fatigue.

What You Should Do Now

If you're still in pain when your baby hits the 6-month milestone, this is a warning sign that something isn't right, or you aren't doing the right things to support your body.

And I appreciate you're probably frustrated about still being in pain so long after labor and feel let down and overwhelmed by the healthcare system.

That's why I can offer you a Free Discovery Visit, where you can speak to me 1 on 1, share your story, struggle, and goals, and get personalized advice to naturally treat your aches and pains.

Unlike doctors you've seen in the past, I won't confuse you with jargon, I won't ignore your concerns, and I'll help you feel more confident and in control of your health, and your future.

To speak to the expert who can give you the answers, and help you get fast, drug-free pain relief, click the link below:

Arrange Your Free Pain Assessment

More Expert Advice For Moms Who Want A Pain-Free, Active Life

Read our blog - Must Read Advice For Moms With Lower Back Pain After Exercising

Read our blog - How To Sleep With Lower Back Pain For Busy Moms Who Want A Good Night's Sleep

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