The Perfect Lower Back Pain Stretches For Golfers!

Do you love playing golf? Especially during the Summer months?

Finding your performance has been significantly impacted by lower back pain?

Want to unlock your full potential?

We appreciate the frustration you must feel when lower back pain gets in the way of what you love.

In this blog, you will discover the 5 best stretches for lower back pain! Our expert team has created this list of stretches, specifically with golfers in mind.

The Effect of Lower Back Pain on Your Golf Performance

Lower back pain is a common issue that can significantly affect your golf performance. It can cause chronic discomfort, which may limit the range of motion in your swing and make it difficult to move quickly and naturally.

It can also negatively impact your focus on the course and interfere with muscle memory. Forcing you to concentrate on the physical sensation instead of the game itself.

Knowing how to manage your back pain is key to maintaining a high level of play.

It is important that proper form and technique are used when swinging the club, as this can help reduce strain on the lower back muscles.

Stretching exercises before and after a round are essential in keeping your back loose and limber.

1. The Cat-Cow Stretch

This is an effective stretch for lower back pain relief and strengthening.

Begin by kneeling on the floor with your hands aligned under your shoulders. Start slow, arching your back in a “cat” position while tucking your chin towards your chest, then slowly reversing to an arched “cow” position while looking up towards the ceiling.

Remember to perform the stretch gently and slowly, focusing on your breath and maintaining proper form. This will ensure maximum benefits and reduce the risk of injury.

Perform before and after a round of golf.

2. The Single Knee-to-Chest Stretch

The Single Knee-to-Chest Stretch is an excellent stretch as it targets the lower back muscles and helps alleviate pain quickly.

Begin by lying on your back with both knees bent. Gently pull one knee towards your chest and hold for 30 seconds, then release slowly and repeat with the other leg.

Perform after a round of golf.

3. The Child’s Pose Stretch

This is another effective way to relieve lower back pain after golfing.

Begin by kneeling on all fours and slowly lower your torso towards the floor while extending your arms in front of you. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds, then gently return to your starting position.

Perform after a round of golf.

4. The Supine Twist Stretch

This stretch is designed for relieving tension in the lower back and improve flexibility.

Start by lying on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross one ankle over the opposite knee, then gently twist your torso towards that side while keeping both shoulders on the ground. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then release and repeat with the other leg.

Remember to perform the stretch gently, focusing on your breath and maintaining proper form.

Perform before and after a round of golf.

5. The Seated Spinal Twist Stretch

This is another great way to relieve lower back pain after golfing.

Begin by sitting up tall on a chair with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Slowly twist your torso towards one side while keeping your hips facing forward, then hold this position for 30 seconds before reversing sides and repeating several times.

Perform after a round of golf.

If The Pain Persists Contact Our Physical Therapists!

If your pain persists and becomes worse, you must contact a professional! Leaving pain unchecked can lead to significant issues down the line.

Our team at Elise Waller Physical Therapy is more than qualified to help you with your needs. We will be able to pinpoint the problem with ease and set you up on the most efficient treatment plan possible.

The best way to get started is by applying for our FREE Pain Assessment. We will develop tailored advice just for you and work together to get you back to what you love as soon as possible!

To get started click the link below:

Arrange Your Free Pain Assessment

Prefer To Speak Over The Phone

Luckily for you, we also offer a Free Telephone Consultation. You will be able to voice any concerns and get started with a personalised treatment plan, right from the golf course!

Improve your golf game TODAY!

Simply call us on (214) 926-6041 or fill in our simple web form.

More Professional Advice To Help With Your Golf Game!

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